Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia are Murder Essay -- Euthanas

Willful extermination is Murder   â â â On June 4, 1990, Janet Adkins ended it all. She executed herself under the management of a man named Jack Kevorkian. Over and over, Kevorkian set up machines and slaughtered patients that were as far as anyone knows critically ill. He got away from discipline for a considerable length of time, yet on March 26, 1999, Kevorkian was imprisoned for second-degree murder. (Online,99) He had created numerous companions and numerous foes. One of his adherents was a lady who had created coronary supply route infection. Her name was Donna White. She considered self destruction regularly, particularly when her torment was fantastically extreme. Help discovered her before willful extermination did. A hospice care office caught wind of her plot to end it all, and they discovered assistance for her. They gave treatment to her self-destructive contemplations and serious gloom, and they additionally furnished her with the prescription to keep her agony free. She no longer follows Kevork ian's goals and is against him. (Shapiro and Bowermaster, 94) Over 52 patients were executed in Dr. Kevorkian's quality. (On the web, 99) What on the off chance that they could have discovered the assistance that they required?  Willful extermination is taking one's life on the off chance that one has a fatal ailment is a serious condition, and is finished by a deadly infusion. Willful extermination and Assisted Suicide started in old Rome and Greece. They accepted that it was alright in specific circumstances to permit an individual to pass on or to enable an individual to bite the dust. This was frequently the situation with the older in these societies. Certain religions are against willful extermination. The Christian, Jew, and Islamic religions all stick to the way that life is hallowed and ought not be removed. In certain societies, helping somebody to kick the bucket is a similar thing as murder, and is dealt with so in a courtroom. (Encarta, 98)  ... ...ailable: Barnett, Erin Hoover. Is Mom Capable of Choosing to Die?. 1999. [Online]. The Oregonian. Date of Download: November 15, 1999. Accessible: Cassel, Eric J. Willful extermination. Grolier Interactive Inc.. 1998 Euthanasia. Gould, Jonathan and Craigmyle, Lord. Your Death Warrant?. New York: Arlington House, 1971. Mattos, Jennifer and Sachs, Andrea. Characterizing the Right to Die. Time. April 15, 1996. Pg. 82 Rosenbaum, Stuart E. furthermore, Baird, Robert M. Killing: The Moral Issues. 1989. Contradicting Viewpoints. New York: Prometheus Books. Shapiro, Joseph P. furthermore, Bowermaster, David. Demise on Trial. U.S. News and World Report. April 25, 1994. Pp. 31-39. Shapiro, Joseph P. Growing an option to kick the bucket. U.S. News and World Report. April 15, 1996. Pg. 63.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Aristocrats should help the poors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blue-bloods should support the poors - Essay Example I totally concur with this announcement since the rich have enough cash to endure any emergencies, at the end of the day their cash store and capacity permits them to do this. However, those individuals who rely incredibly upon their month to month compensations and wages lose everything with their positions. They have no huge stores just as no protections capital and that is the reason emergency struck the poor above all else. However, the creator centers not around poor people but instead on the white collar class since it is the primary constituent of the effective economy. It is no chance a mystery that the world emergency began from the USA, where â€Å"the fat cats† (Herbert ) as the creator calls them didn’t figure out how to adapt to the home loan circle. Let’s recollect the thriving USA: an upbeat working class with a very high yearly pay that can bear the cost of having a house, a vehicle, and a few kids and to be in simple conditions. With the extraordinary pace of joblessness individuals have no cash in any event, for food, to avoid anything related to a vehicle, and lease. As time ways to deal with Christmas the circumstance turns out to be considerably progressively low and self-evident. â€Å"Even as a huge number of jobless and in any case battling Americans are taking up some slack for these special seasons, the countries first class are binding up their moving shoes and celebrating like eminence as the millions and billions continue moving in†. (Herbert, 2010 p.1 ). By saying this the creator needed to show that the working class needs to reject something so as to esteem the convention of blessings giving, while the rich of the nation even are not embarrassed about tossing gatherings and claiming to be progress ively unassuming. The most hostile thing is that people with great influence and with cash simply request that the country stand the intense occasions. â€Å"So here we have the very rich person and the tycoon telling poor people and the battling - the little individuals - that they will simply need to manage with less.† (Herbert, 2010 p.1). It would be entertaining, in the event that it wasn’t the reality. The country can manage without certain things yet it can't manage without the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Performance Management at Vitality Health Case free essay sample

So as to play out the activity necessities an individual must show various abilities and gifts. For instance, the individual who fills the position must do the accompanying: * Decide whether the exploration has business application * Move patent applications forward * Consult with the executives on corporate methodology * Teach, oversee, and help subordinate analysts * Develop first rate logical research So as to be effective in playing out the previously mentioned obligations, the candidate must have elevated level research aptitudes, relational abilities, administration aptitudes, the executives abilities, authoritative aptitudes, advertising aptitudes, time the executives aptitudes, specialized logical information, and so on. Assignment Identity-7 Justification: In request to effectively fill this activity, an individual must see every one of the essential undertakings in playing out a given venture. An individual must have the option to see their own activities from beginning to end and the capacity to recognize explicit errands is basic to do as such. Undertaking Significance 6 Justification: Vitality anticipates that their specialist should have an effect science. We will compose a custom article test on Execution Management at Vitality Health Case or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The specialist can do as such by delivering great logical writing and introducing at meetings for logical writing. Imperativeness anticipates the logical commitments of the specialist to be deserving of getting licenses. The commitments of the examination can largy affect individuals, on ladies explicitly. As we probably am aware, restorative items are imperative to numerous ladies. Additionally, wholesome enhancements can assist with improving an individual’s by and large wellbeing. Subsequently, investigate forward leaps at Vitality can have an enormous and enduring effect. Self-rule 6 Justification: Overall, the researcher at Vitality appears to have total opportunity over the ventures that he/she wishes to take on. The undertaking must meet the accompanying prerequisites: lines up with corporate technique, gets management’s endorsement and has business applications. Criticism Scores 4 Justification: Currently, assessments are led once every year. It might be alluring to direct assessments all the more oftentimes. Likewise, there is some inquiry regarding the propriety of managers’ evaluations. Some vibe that they are shy in their appraisals so as to dodge struggle. It has been accounted for that supervisors are telling the representatives they got one rating, while authoritatively giving them another, or by pivoting the great evaluations to various workers every year. MPS = (6 + 7 + 6)/3 * 6 * 4 = 152 2. Both the value and anticipation hypotheses of inspiration can be utilized to delineate why researcher turnover at Vitality Health was principally happening among the more gainful researchers under the old execution the board framework. Value Theory: Equity hypothesis encourages us to comprehend why the researcher turnover at Vitality Health was essentially connected with the more beneficial researchers leaving for better openings for work. In the event that applying the value hypothesis of inspiration, a researcher at Vitality Health would decide the decency of what he/she is accepting comparative with what he/she is placing in, contrasted with others. For instance, Vitality Health utilized a rating framework comprising of 13 distinctive rating levels. Nonetheless, chiefs were blameworthy of mishandling the framework. They were reluctant to irritate representatives. Subsequently, researchers wound up with rather homogenous evaluations paying little mind to their real execution. At the end of the day, paying little heed to top-performing scientists’ input (execution), their presentation appraisals (yield) were like the exhibition evaluations of the low-performing researchers. Besides, these exhibition appraisals were utilized to decide merit-based compensation increments. Hence, despite the fact that genuine exhibition was distinctive among low and top entertainers, because of comparative execution appraisals, merit-based pay increments were comparative. Thus, top-performing researchers felt that they were dealt with inadequately according to their commitment. The imbalance felt by high-performing researcher assists with clarifying the turnover of such researchers at Vitality Health. Hope Theory: Salaries would in general be 7%-8% higher at Vitality Health than the opposition. In any case, the compensation model was centered around a level pay. Along these lines, there were practically no arrangements for rewards or elective types of pay. The anticipation hypothesis of inspiration is connected in a couple of ways. While applying the hope hypothesis, researchers at Vitality Health would pose themselves three inquiries. In the first place, â€Å"Will my exertion lead to superior? † Scientists had full oversight over their exertion. Subsequently, it is most likely safe to state that more noteworthy exertion would prompt more noteworthy execution for a researcher. Second, â€Å"Will execution lead to results? † as it were, will expanded execution lead to higher remuneration or better appraisals? On account of researchers at Vitality Health, in view of the homogenous exhibition evaluations and level compensation pay model, it is improbable that better would prompt both of these results. The third and last inquiries researchers would pose to themselves is, â€Å"Do I discover the results attractive? † Do the high-performing researchers need to be evaluated equivalent to their low-performing partners? Would they like to be remunerated correspondingly? On the off chance that cash were a result, is that the remuneration I want for my exertion and execution? In spite of the fact that, researchers can control their exertion, and along these lines control their exhibition, the way that presentation prompts troublesome and unwanted results delineates why researcher turnover at Vitality Health was basically happening among high-performing researchers. 3. Old SystemNew System An E framework, supervisors didn’t need to outrage representatives, so they just gave B and C ratings| The rating levels are restricted to four choices so all the levels are utilized and examination is more visible| Job Evaluation Points for pay, with a worth different, in light of occupation position| Uses measurements to rate workers endeavors and accomplishments rather than simply work description| Percentage increase in salary depends on where they as of now remain in industry pay grade. Individuals paid above industry normal get littler percent raise than proportionate execution by somebody who is paid beneath industry normal. Representatives are contrasted with each other instead of to preset industry principles, or contrasted with subjective evaluation marks| No arrangement for rewards, level rates over the table, yet all were at 7-8% over competition| Forces supervisors to rank their workers above or underneath each other| | Compensation is currently money based, yet value is involved| | Performance-based compensation| The greatest distinction is by all accounts that the old framework would just accurately repay somebody for their endeavors the first occasion when they produce well. From that point forward, their remuneration increments at a more slow rate than peers paying little mind to their viability. Despite the fact that individuals were paid 7-8% over the business midpoints, the structure of the remuneration caused individuals to feel underestimated and in the end drove numerous to cheapen the minor commitment to the organization. The new framework is an endeavor to concentrate the compensation on execution estimations and take out free-riding by failing to meet expectations workers. By expanding the connection of execution to remuneration, the peripheral endeavors of a worker turns out to be increasingly significant to them. In the event that the MPS for Ramp;D researchers were 160, the new exhibition the executives framework would energize greater efficiency. A high MPS implies a particular range of abilities with a lot of undertaking character. Accordingly, the framework that is more centered around remunerating accomplishments instead of employment title would advance increasingly engaged exertion from researchers. Likewise, it is hard to contrast the researchers with the business in light of their theoretical expected set of responsibilities. In the event that the MPS for Ramp;D researchers were 60, the old execution the board framework would empower greater efficiency. In the event that the position scored lower in task character and self-governance, and in this manner justified a lower MPS, a framework dependent on work position as opposed to execution would be increasingly proper. The prescribed changes to improve the viability of the presentation the executives framework * Make execution surveys quarterly as opposed to every year. This will build the handiness of them and take out the weight of having them attached so near pay benefits. * Under the new appraising classifications, the â€Å"achiever† positioning is excessively brimming with workers with a chosen few above and a melancholy not many beneath. This doesn't fix the past issue of the entirety of the rankings of workers being gathered. One other option, is to rank the representatives as people, AND as groups. Along these lines they feel commonly liable for a constructive result and no one thinks about it literally if a poor rating is gotten. * It seems one of the principle objections against the new framework is that it is excessively near from representative to worker. One arrangement is to define up work objectives/accomplishments that are target that every worker must accomplish so as to get their compensation. At that point, they may set additional objectives to go after on the off chance that they want further remuneration in reward position. This would guarantee that pay depends on each individual’s exertion, as opposed to how they contrast with different workers. 5. Compelling objectives that Ramp;D chiefs could set for Ramp;D researchers: * Increase individual yearly forward leaps by 20 percent in the following year. * Publish two articles, every year, in important logical diaries or present at two critical logical meetings. This will improve the individual aptitudes of the Ramp;D researcher, and advance the name and research of Vitality Health in the open circle. * Improve in any event two existing items yearly with the end goal that the items accomplish

Thursday, June 4, 2020

World History Term Paper Writing

World History Term Paper Writing World History Term Paper Writing When preparing to write a history term paper, the first thing would be to determine the era you want to cover, as well as any specific historical events. Although the decision would depend largely on course requirements, one of the exciting aspects of history term paper topics is that you have unlimited possibilities. We wanted to provide you with some possible topics that you might consider based on the type of history class. For instance, if you wanted to write an American history term paper then perhaps you might want to consider early Presidents to include George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, or you could focus on more recent Presidents to include Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton. Other American history term paper topics could include The Bill of Rights, allowing you to address the start of the American Constitution, or any number of wars such as the Vietnam War, which ended up being highly controversial. If you needed to write an art history term paper, possible topics might include the Renaissance period. For this, you could address evolutional changes for various art styles such as Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci. Another history term paper example specific to art could be on topics pertaining to Far Eastern art. In this case, you could go through the development of Buddhist art to include paintings, architecture, and sculptures. Original History Term Paper Ideas Then for a world history term paper, offering a look into different countries and dictators would give you the opportunity to cover multiple historical events. For instance, the term paper could have a section on Asia, writing about the Chinese Communist Party, the Korean War, or Tiananmen Square. Another section might focus on Africa pertaining to the Apartheid in South Africa or perhaps the Sepoy Rebellion. Again, the term paper could even cover various dictators such as Hitler, Stalin, or Franco. If you needed history term paper ideas for a music history term paper, writing about different venues, composers, and specific works would be an excellent option. Some of the things that you might write about include Mozart or Beethoven, the onset of bel canto singing, Baroque or Classical treatises to include Mozarts Essay on Grounding of Violin School or Rameuas Traite de lHarmone, or even different compositional styles and how each was unique yet similar. When it comes to writing a history term paper or management term paper, you have literally thousands of options. Therefore, determine the era that needs to be covered, and then begin researching possibilities. Chances are you will find this particular paper fun and exciting to write.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Decreasing Teen Pregnancy Essay example - 928 Words

Decreasing Teen Pregnancy Decreasing teen pregnancy has been a constant battle for the United States in the past few years. America has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the western part of the world despite not being the leader in sexually active teenagers. The main problem is that here in the United States we do not educate our children enough on having safe sex. Our children end up learning on their own and eventually end up having a child from the lack of knowledge they have. They also take away from their own lives, because a child raising a child is a big task for anyone to take on. The best way for teenagers to decrease the rate in pregnancy is to practice abstinence. It helps control the birth rates and stops the†¦show more content†¦There are other ways to help prevent teen pregnancy. One is birth control; it can be taken in a pill form everyday or by an injection every 90 days. The only thing about this is that it is not 100% effective. There is still a chance a young female could be getting the injections and still become pregnant. In addition, if an injection is missed and her body starts producing eggs it doubles her chance of getting pregnant. The next option that is 100% fool proof is called surgical sterilization. This process will block the sperm duct in men and the fallopian tubes in women. As a teenager who would really want to go to this extreme being that young, or better yet what parent would put their child in that situation. The most common tool used to decrease teen pregnancy is the condom. It is easily available and anyone can buy them. The down side to these and is a cause of teen pregnancy is the improper use of the condom or the condom breaking during intercourse. This is one of the main causes of unplanned teen pregnancies. There are also many groups to help prevent teen pregnancies and decrease the rates. These groups can start within our childrens schools or be provided to them by a local, state, or federal organization. These organizations will provide a young teenager with skills on how to avoid peer pressure and make them aware that sex should be put off until marriage or at least until they can afford to have aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Is Teen Pregnancy a Problem?1044 Words   |  5 PagesHow many pregnant teens have there been? Over the years more girls are becoming teen moms. In Oklahoma teen pregnancy has become a problem. Recently Oklahoma has had a pregnancy rate of 47.5% (Tulsa World). Not only is it an issue in Oklahoma but an issue in the United States as a whole. The lack of awareness a nd how to prevent pregnancy is a reason to blame for the increasing numbers. The more we don’t make people aware of the increasing teen pregnancy rate and how to prevent then the numbers willRead MoreTeen Pregnancy and Graduation Rates1175 Words   |  5 Pages Teen pregnancy is surprisingly decreasing over the years. According to Farber, â€Å"the most recent studies have shown that there has been a decrease in the rate of pregnancies among all teenagers and among sexually active teenagers (16). Although this issue seems is decreasing this is still a problem faced by many teenage girls today. Each year, 7.5 percent of all 15-19 year old women become pregnant (Maynard 1). Not only does this issue affects the pregnant teen but it also affects the economy. TeenRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy Essay1611 Words   |  7 Pages Teen Pregnancy Meshia Williams Just because teenage pregnancy has decreased does not mean the problem is solved. Nearly all teenage pregnancies are unplanned. Teen mothers are nearly twice as likely to forgo prenatal care in the first trimester. This sets up complications along with health problems, costs, responsible fatherhood, education, and risky behavior. Babies are having babies before they’re even fully developed themselves; the environment, and media along with other things are all factorsRead MoreTaking a Look at Teen Pregnancy1197 Words   |  5 PagesEighty-nine percent of these births occurred outside of marriage. The 2012 teen birth rate shows a decline of six percent from 2011 when the birth rate was 31.3 per 1,000 girls. The teen birth rate has declined pretty steadily over the past 20 years. In 1991, the teen birth rate in the U.S. was 61.8 births for every 1,000 teenage girls, compared with 29.4 births for every 1,000 females in 2012 that’s pretty good. The U.S. teen birth rate is s till higher than that of many other developed countries, includingRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Is A Big Topic On Today s Society861 Words   |  4 PagesTeenage pregnancy is a big topic in today’s society. Teens are criticized with negative comments about having a baby at a young age. There have been teens as young as ten years old that has been pregnant. A lot of teenage pregnancies are not planned but happen because of lack of knowledge about sex. There is anyways to prevent the negative comments and young pregnancies. Parents have to understand their children are not always going to be babies. They are going to become curious about their bodiesRead MoreControlling the Issue of Teen Pregnancy635 Words   |  3 PagesTeen pregnancy is a problem that is plaguing the U.S., as well as other countries. This social problem affects teens of every ethnic and economic background. Before we discuss what some organizations are doing to help, let’s look at some of statistics sur rounding teen pregnancy. Even though this is a serious problem, the good news is that teen birth rates in the United States have dropped almost continuously since the early 1990s — including a six percent drop from 2011 to 2012 — further decreasingRead MoreTeen Pregnancy973 Words   |  4 PagesTeen Pregnancy Speech Teen pregnancy rates sky rocket every year. 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. One sixth of all United States births are to teenage girls. Teen pregnancy rates are soaring and many teenage girls are impacted negatively because they are unable to fulfill the many responsibilities such as education and financial needs. Something needs to be done to decrease the teen pregnancy rates. None of you will argue that teen pregnancy rates aren’t high. And all agree somethingRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Teen Pregnancy1242 Words   |  5 PagesTeen Pregnancy Teen pregnancy affects the entire family, not only does it cause emotional distress to the teen, but also the teens parents. Along with this, many teens rely on the state through food stamps, medical care, and financial aid to help raise their child. Family members watch the young mother struggle to make ends meet and often have to step in and help raise the child. Teen moms often have no support from the father or the fathers family and must raise the child entirely on their ownRead MoreThe Dilemma of a Pregnant Teenage In the world of today, one of the most predominant controversies,1000 Words   |  4 Pagesdecades is ‘Teenage Pregnancy’. Teenage pregnancy, affects different aspects of life, the newborn, mother and family of the teenagers involved. Few people believe that the society should be reprimanded. But I believe the society, should not take all the blame. In spite of societal blames, teens having unprotected/protected sex and getting pregnant are personal decisions. There is just a little that any society can do to avert such activities. In today’s world teenage pregnancy could be precluded andRead MoreContraception And Safe Sex Education Essay1152 Words   |  5 Pages Hall 4). The logic behind such practices is to prevent teenagers from engaging in intercourse and to decrease the rate of teen pregnancies. The curriculum of abstinence only programs stresses that teenagers should not engage in intercourse since that is the only way to guarantee one will not get pregna nt. Information about contraceptives and safe sex to prevent pregnancies and the spread of STDs is not mentioned, and in fact is against those 21 states’ laws regarding use of funds to discuss in the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

In My Creative Nonfiction Genre Proposal, I Stated That,

In my creative nonfiction genre proposal, I stated that, â€Å"my [creative writing project s] focus will be literary essays that address humanity’s universal desire for a sense of identity and belonging; these essays will be written from a personal perspective, containing anecdotes, internal conflicts, and external opinions† (1). A little over ten weeks later, I believe I have achieved this goal in my final draft because of the stylistic approaches and revisions I made with the help of the Creative Writing Seminar workshops. My final draft for the project consists of eight essays that address several personal experiences from my life. I discuss various subjects ranging from one’s origins to the meaning of I love you; while each essay differs†¦show more content†¦In â€Å"Happy Birthday,† I took a snapshot approach, and with the critiques from Dr. Mattix and my classmates, I also incorporated present tense throughout the essay. â€Å"For Sanityâ €™s Sake† is styled after Cynthia Orzick’s â€Å"A Drugstore in Winter;† Orzick’s essay helped me create a list-like structure that I had never written before. In â€Å"I Love You,† I followed the style of Langston Hughes’ â€Å"Bop,† by writing the majority of the essay in dialogue. The stylistic choices I made with each essay helped further the overarching theme, yet the editing process is where my essays became refined. Revision has always been my favorite part of the writing process, yet this seminar class tested just how far I was willing to go to edit a piece of writing. Several of my essays address extremely personal matters, and these works were difficult to edit because of their sensitive subject matters. These essays tempted me to develop an unhealthy, protective attachment, which would have caused me to resist any editorial suggestions. In order to solve a majority of this problem, I strove to view my essays as imperfect art rather than a page from my personal journal. Despite this challenging revision process, I believe that my edits greatly enhanced my collection of essays by making them more potent, clearer, and more polished. Overall, I consistently worked onShow MoreRelatedEssay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words   |  121 PagesCriticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources.  ©1998-2002;  ©2002 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design ® and Thomson Learning are trademarks used herein under license. The following sections

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Information Management for Starting Career

Question: Discuss about the Business Information Management for Starting Career. Answer: Introduction Business programs are helpful concept for starting one significant and effective career with respect to competitive marketing trends (Bocken et al. 2014). In contrast with these facts, this report is elaborating about the benefits of Bakery business process. Trading Name of Manufacturing Business Dream Cookies is the proposed name for the concerned Bakery Business process. This name itself is suggesting the delicious taste and quality of its products (Demir 2014). Therefore, in accordance with the significance of the business process, this name is perfect with the concept behind the business. Organizational Structure of the Business The considered organizational structure for Dream Cookies will be sole trader organizational structure (Rehman 2013). This structure will provide inexpensive and completely controlled organizational structure to be operated. Therefore, the organizational structure will be beneficial for Dream Cookies as it is one start up organization. Products and Business Operations of Business In contrast with discussions about the business process selected in this report it is clear that the business of making cookies and snacks are chosen and Dream Cookies will sell the good quality cookies within their target market and to their valuable clients. Reason behind starting Dream Cookies: The main reason behind this business process is that cookies are one of the favorite snacks for every age group, therefore from the point of view of profit and gain this business process will be providing good amount of benefits to the owner (Rehman 2013). The owners have chosen this business for making good profit with this start up. Target Market of Business Target market for this selected as the Australian marketplace. In contrast with these facts, the business has selected the global market for making their products popular as well as their demographically this business process has chosen the market segment with three age groups (Scholtz 2015). These age groups are adult, children and aged people. In contrast with these facts, Dream Cookies are targeting these segments of market for making their products famous as cookies are always favorite of everyone and therefore, for making products popular the owner does not have take more stress. First Step for Setting up the Business There are various methods of starting one business process. Among all of these steps, some simple steps can be followed for starting one business (Rehman 2013). These are given as follows: making of business plans, collection of knowledge for making the business successful, and collection of financial support for business and understanding of legal steps for making the business successful. Reason for Starting this Business There are mainly two reasons for starting this business. These are given as follows: Set up a good career as entrepreneur: The owners aim was to be a good entrepreneur and this idea can bring that to him (Bocken et al. 2014). Good start up: This business idea is good for a small scale business process. Conclusion This can be concluded that the concept of Bakery business process is profitable with respect to various marketing trends and technologies. This report is elaborating about the detailed description about this business process and its details and benefits are also given in this report. References Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2014. A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, pp.42-56. Demir, A., 2014. The method of selection of parameters values in the problem of determining the quality level in manufacturing, business and education.International Journal of Social Sciences and Educational Studies,1(2). Rehman, S.M., 2013.An Evaluation of Management Styles and their Impact on Employee Motivation at a Manufacturing Business in Kwa-Zulu Natal(Doctoral dissertation, Masters Dissertation: Regent Business School, Durban). Scholtz, J.H., 2015. Impact of ownership structure along the value chain in the manufacturing business.AIChE Journal.