Sunday, December 29, 2019

Difference Between Private and Independent Schools

When public school just isnt working to help a child succeed and meet his or her fullest potential, its not uncommon for  families to start to consider alternative options for elementary, middle or high school education. When this research begins, most likely private schools will start popping up as one of those options. Start doing more research, and youll likely encounter a variety of information that includes information and profiles on both private schools and independent schools, which might leave you scratching your head. Are they the same thing? Whats the difference? Lets explore.   Similarities Between Private and Independent Schools There is one big similarity between private and independent schools, and that is the fact  that they are non-public schools. In other words, they are schools which are funded by their own resources, and do not receive public funding from the state or federal government.   Differences Between Private and Independent Schools But it seems as though the terms private school and independent school are often used as though they mean the same thing. The truth is, they are both the same and different. Even more confused? Lets break it down. In general,  independent schools are actually considered private schools, but not all private schools are independent. So an independent school can call itself private or independent, but a private school cannot always refer to itself as independent. Why? Well, this subtle distinction between a private school and an independent school has to do with the legal structure of each, how they are governed, and how they are funded. An independent school has a truly independent board of trustees that oversees the schools operation, while a  private school can theoretically be part of another entity, such as a for profit corporation or a not for profit organization such as a church or synagogue. An independent board of trustees often meets several times a year to discuss the schools overall health, including finances, reputation, improvement, facilities, and other important aspects of the schools success. The administration at an independent school is responsible for carrying out a strategic plan that ensures the schools on-going success, and reports to the board regularly on progress and how they will address or are addressing any challenges the school may face.   External organizations, such as a religious group or other for-profit or not-for-profit organization,  that can provide financial assistance to a private school, not an independent school, will make the school less dependent on tuition and charitable donations for survival. However, these private schools may incur regulations and/or restrictions from the associated organization, such as mandated enrollment restrictions and curricular advancements. Independent schools, on the other hand, typically have a unique mission statement, and are financed by tuition payments and charitable donations. Often, independent school tuitions are more expensive than their private school counterparts, which is because most independent schools rely mostly on tuition to fund its daily operations.   Independent schools are accredited by the National Association of Independent Schools, or NAIS, and often have stricter rules for governance than some private schools. Through NAIS, individual states or regions have approved accrediting bodies that work to ensure all schools within their respective regions meet rigorous requirements in order to achieve accreditation status, a process that occurs every 5 years. Independent schools also typically have large endowments and large facilities, and include both boarding and day schools. Independent schools may have a religious affiliation, and may include religious studies as part of the schools philosophy, but they are governed by an independent board of trustees and not a larger religious organization. If an independent school wishes to change an aspect of its operations, such as eliminating religious studies, they only need the approval of their board of trustees and not a governing religious institution. The State of Utah Office of Education offers a typical definition of a private school:A school that is controlled by an individual or agency other than a governmental entity, which is usually supported primarily by other than public funds, and the operation of whose program rests with someone other than publicly elected or appointed officials. McGraw-Hills Higher Education site defines an independent school as nonpublic school unaffiliated with any church or other agency. Article edited by  Stacy Jagodowski

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Reflections - 1567 Words

For us as Christians to stay in accordance with God it is vital to stay educated on long as we continue to educated on theology ourselves. As long as we continue to educate ourselves and keep the scriptures hidden in our hearts, It will be less difficult to witness to non-believers and to loose focus. In addition to the benefit of not losing focus reading the bible can also let us be sure that Jesus in fact will return a second time. Although we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This doesn’t give us an excuse to live our lives as christians anyway we wish. Once we have a strong foundation in Christ we can use our churches in many ways to help carry out the great commission. How can we be†¦show more content†¦Then they will receive their crowns depending on the works that had been done on earth. So even though you may be sure that you believe in Christ as savior and that a spot is reserved for you, this doesnt mean that you dont have to be accountable for the life that you are living on earth. A christian may not be cast to the lake of fire, but he may be shorted on his rewards to be received upon arrival (Judgement, 3). It will be vital to stay in fellowship with god while anticipating the arrival of Jesus. We should also be increasing our relationship with God and seeking his face. once we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will unconsciously be preforming Gods will for us. In this state we can do what ever it is we want. meaning when we are walking with God and letting him direct our steps, we wont have to worry about if we are living correctly and in harmony as God expects. In addition to walking with the Lord we can then carry out his gre atest commandment in the process. What can your local church do to better communicate God’s love to your community? Once we as Christians have a rock solid foundation we can come together as a church to go out and spread the good news. The age that we live in is full of skepticism and other religions claiming to be the truth, so it may be more difficult to witness to the lost. As a community church we can think of more creative ways to lead out communities to salvation. one thing that ourShow MoreRelatedReflection1650 Words   |  7 PagesIan-Bradley Tancred This essay analyses and describes what reflection is and how it supports your personal and professional learning. It elaborates upon how and why recognizing your strengths and weaknesses are important and how they can enhance lifelong learning. It describes what arguments and assertions are, what the differences are between them and which one is better. 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Your completed template form and content should be a CRITICAL reflection of the paper/ chapter content but NOT merely summarize what you have read. TEMPLATE FOR REFLECTIONS ON EXPERIENCES DATE: PLACE: The experience 1. What experience are you reflecting on (class session, project group meeting, particular piece of reading, other)? Give a brief account of this experience. 2. 3. Reflections on Experience 4. 2. Looking back, what was particularly memorable/ interestingRead MoreNursing reflection.12855 Words   |  52 PagesReflective Essay This essay will look at reflection on a critical incident that has promoted a positive outcome. It is not a very major incident but it stands out as it has a potential for learning. This essay will identify and explain Johns (1994) model of reflection and explain what reflection is and why reflective practice is necessary and how it can be used. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Development And Importance Of Youth Cultural Consumption Free Essays

Introduction Consumption is a pivotal component in economies of regions, countries, cities, towns, and other localities. This is premised on the fact that consumption is a function of an area’s economic standing. The young people are affected by the identity mission, an issue which makes them big spenders. We will write a custom essay sample on Development And Importance Of Youth Cultural Consumption or any similar topic only for you Order Now Identity is an aspect which is based on perceptions within different contexts (Kjeldgaard, 2002). The youth culture in the marketing world is held as a prototypical illustration of a global segment (Hassan and Katsanis, 2001). This has led to the labels like the Gen X, the teen segment, baby busters, etc. These sub sets of society stem from the uniform consumption styles adopted by the group. The sharing f such consumer behavior across the world is thought to be behind the development of the world youth sub culture growth. The spaces present in different localities where the youth conduct their lives are however hugely ignored (Kjeldgaard, 2002). Globalization creates an explosion in the product and image market. The young consumers are generally responsive to world trends as compared to the other sub groups in the society. he different sub cultures and lifestyles across the globe continue to fragment though it seems like the youth segment of society continue to merge in reference to the pursuit of identity as reflected in their consumption habits. However, the notion of the young has changed over time shifting from its empirical sense to the cultural sense (Kjeldgaard, 2002). The identity construction in the youth is the largest consequence occasioned by youth consumer culture. However, in other localities it remains hugely latent in nature since it arises from primary meditation (Kjeldgaard, 2002). The youth consumer culture greatly impacts on the development of economies in a variety of ways. To begin with, the youth sub culture leads to an increased demand for various products, secondly, the sub culture occasions the growth of other services like advertising and marketing, thirdly, the sub culture expands the job market (Hassan and Katsanis, 2001). The youth as indicated above present a consumer oriented group. This is so because of their responsive nature to world trends. Unlike the old generation, the youth spends a lot of their income. The income due to the youth is however not always earned as a number of this generation may be dependent on the older generation for upkeep. However, the working class younger generation is known for their pursuit of fashion, an attribute which predisposes them to heavy expenditure (Hassan and Katsanis, 2001). This aspect implies that the youth forces the demand for luxury and fashion goods to higher levels. If a city is a big producer of the luxury or goods in the line of youth attraction, then such a city is likely to develop. The city or country will definitely have to expand on production with a view to meeting the rising demand or the products in question. however, if the country which offers residence to the a youth which does not work though it spends, this may be a drain on the economy as a lot of money is spent on consumption instead of having such funds being channeled to investment. This will affect the future development of a city or a nation in the long run. In the same line, if the city or country does not produce the goods demanded by the younger generation, it means such a destination will have to rely on imports to meet the demand. Imports may be cheap; however, in the long run they will have an adverse effect on the country’s balance of payments (Hassan and Katsanis, 2001). This does not augur well for the development of any region whether a city or a country. The other effect of the consumer culture attributable to the youth segment of society as identified above rests on its ability to ignite the development and growth of other industries. Consumption is affected by a host of factors. Advertising and marketing present such factors. Every producer intends to sell; selling depends on the level of awareness that pervades the ground concerning product emergence or availability. Advertisements are very creative and have developed to all time highs as marketers try to outwit each other. The result of the consumerism nature of the youth has thus led to the expansion and growth of marketing and advertising in different countries and cities (Hassan and Katsanis, 2001). The youth sub culture as realized remains consumption focused; as a result, the group is under no illusions as it must seek employment to support its activities. This inculcates a hard motif into the group in the pursuit of finances to fund their projects. In this pursuit, towns, cities, and countries benefit from a high number of competent individuals entering to the labor force. An increased number to the labor force has a variety of benefits to every society. Conclusion This paper finds out that the youth sub culture has a number of effects on the economies of towns, cities and countries. The effects are two-fold as the culture leads to both beneficial and adverse effects, however, with good planning; the youth sub culture is a useful segment which helps in the development of an economy. How to cite Development And Importance Of Youth Cultural Consumption, Papers